Psalm 62
July 27th, 2024
Today's Passage: Psalm 62 David opens this Psalm by detailing the posture of his soul. His soul is waiting for God alone in silence. This confidence in the Lord’s strength sets the tone for this Psalm...  Read More
Psalm 61
July 26th, 2024
Today's Passage: Psalm 61 As we pick up Psalm 61, David is crying out to God. And notice, David feels far from God (v. 2), whether he is physically, spiritually, or emotionally, we do not know. But th...  Read More
Psalm 60
July 25th, 2024
Today's Passage: Psalm 60 In Psalm 60, God’s attributes are on full display.There are great works that have been written about the attributes of God.The goal of studying the attributes of God is not j...  Read More
Psalm 59
July 24th, 2024
Today’s Passage: Psalm 59Have you ever felt like the world is against you? Like people are out to get you?Let me ask you, how do you respond in these times? What does it look like to pursue godliness ...  Read More
Psalm 58
July 23rd, 2024
Today's Passage: Psalm 58 Like our heavenly Father, our hearts rage at injustice. In Psalm 58, David prays against those rulers and judges who abuse their power and take advantage of people. Verse 1 c...  Read More
Psalm 57
July 22nd, 2024
Today's Passage: Psalm 57 When life is rough, one of the hardest things to remember is that tough times are temporary. That’s something we must preach to ourselves throughout storms because we are pro...  Read More
Psalm 56
July 20th, 2024
Today's Passage: Psalm 56 Psalm 56:3–4[3] When I am afraid,I put my trust in you.[4] In God, whose word I praise,in God I trust; I shall not be afraid.What can flesh do to me? (ESV)While David writes ...  Read More
Psalm 55
July 19th, 2024
Today's Passage: Psalm 55 In Psalm 55, David presents different ways that trouble presents itself. It could be the “noise of the enemy” that constantly seems to buzz around us causing tension and unre...  Read More
Psalm 54
July 18th, 2024
Today's Passage: Psalm 54Psalm 54 takes us back to 1 Samuel 23. In 1 Samuel, David is on the run for his life because King Saul was trying to kill him. It’s hard for us to imagine how this might feel,...  Read More
Psalm 53
July 17th, 2024
Today's Passage: Psalm 53Psalm 53 is a lament for one swallowed up in an unrighteous world. It is very similar to Psalm 14, opening with the tragic phrase, “The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is n...  Read More
Psalm 52
July 16th, 2024
Today’s Passage: Psalm 52Sometimes we are privy to the exact circumstances that surround a Psalm and Psalm 52 is one of those times. Before the Psalm begins the writer gives us context to what is goin...  Read More
Psalm 51
July 15th, 2024
Today's Passage: Psalm 51The Psalms as a genre are relatable to the human condition, because they are written in high times and low times; times of worship, and in this case, times of repentance.This ...  Read More

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