Lexington is a city that consists of 320,000 people, with 159,000 people who do not identify as Christians. This means that you could fill over 7 Rupp Arenas and over 2 Kroger Fields with those in our city who are dead in their sins unless they repent and believe in the gospel.

The numbers of lost people in our city should both stagger and increase missional urgency. The reality is that Center Point cannot solve this problem completely on our own. This is a team effort that requires our city to be saturated with healthy churches. In fact, there would need to be 281 more churches our size to fill the 159,000 lost people in our city.
What we can do is set ourselves up for long-term gospel fruit. One of the ways this is accomplished is through Committing ourselves in our city through a more effective gathering home that can lead us to wise, but aggressive, mission.
Our prayerful goal is that God would provide us a permanent home of around 40,000 or more square feet (more than doubling our current square footage) in the proximity of 40509 that would seat around 900 in congregational worship, as well as provide improved space for kids, and multipurpose spaces to be used for students, college, teaching and training environments, Biblical counseling, and other Great Commission initiatives. We also have a desire to maintain reasonable proximity to the campus of the University of Kentucky so that we can effectively minister to this strategic mission field for generations to come.
What we can do is set ourselves up for long-term gospel fruit. One of the ways this is accomplished is through Committing ourselves in our city through a more effective gathering home that can lead us to wise, but aggressive, mission.
Our prayerful goal is that God would provide us a permanent home of around 40,000 or more square feet (more than doubling our current square footage) in the proximity of 40509 that would seat around 900 in congregational worship, as well as provide improved space for kids, and multipurpose spaces to be used for students, college, teaching and training environments, Biblical counseling, and other Great Commission initiatives. We also have a desire to maintain reasonable proximity to the campus of the University of Kentucky so that we can effectively minister to this strategic mission field for generations to come.
Almost 70% of current members and attenders of Center Point started coming after we moved into our current facility in September of 2018. That means that 70% of our church is benefitting from the investments of people they have likely never met.
We recognize that it is harder to give to and invest in something that you cannot see. But this also serves as a reminder that you are not ultimately investing in brick and mortar, you are investing in people. You are investing in reaching Lexington with the gospel and making more disciples. You are investing in the mission to take everyone we meet, one step closer to becoming a true disciple of Jesus Christ.
You are investing in generations to come, so, “that the next generation might know them, the children yet unborn, and arise and tell them to their children, so that they should set their hope in God and not forget the works of God.” (Psalm 78:6-7)
We recognize that it is harder to give to and invest in something that you cannot see. But this also serves as a reminder that you are not ultimately investing in brick and mortar, you are investing in people. You are investing in reaching Lexington with the gospel and making more disciples. You are investing in the mission to take everyone we meet, one step closer to becoming a true disciple of Jesus Christ.
You are investing in generations to come, so, “that the next generation might know them, the children yet unborn, and arise and tell them to their children, so that they should set their hope in God and not forget the works of God.” (Psalm 78:6-7)
We are asking you to consider your part in our ongoing story committing ourselves to our mission, to our city, and to the future. How will you contribute to this vision?
Our goal is to raise $1.7 million dollars over the course of 2 years. This table breaks down how this could look:
Our goal is to raise $1.7 million dollars over the course of 2 years. This table breaks down how this could look:

For example, to reach $1.7 million, it would take 4 people giving $42,500 over 2 years, 6 people giving $28,333 over 2 years, 100 people giving $1,700 over 2 years, and so on. This means it would take 406 people giving at their respective giving level over the course of 2 years to reach our $1.7 million goal. To accomplish this, we must be committed to collaboration. This will take all of us, working together.
The dashes at the bottom and top signify that there are no limits or floors to what people give. If you can give more than what is listed, great! If you can give less, that’s great too! We must realize that it is not about the amount you give, but about the heart and sacrifice behind your giving.
This giving would be over and above regular giving to the current ministry budget. As valuable as investing in future ministry is, we don’t want it to come at the sacrifice of current ministry.
The dashes at the bottom and top signify that there are no limits or floors to what people give. If you can give more than what is listed, great! If you can give less, that’s great too! We must realize that it is not about the amount you give, but about the heart and sacrifice behind your giving.
This giving would be over and above regular giving to the current ministry budget. As valuable as investing in future ministry is, we don’t want it to come at the sacrifice of current ministry.
Commitment Card
ways to give
(preferred method: no fees)
Drop cash or check in the giving boxes in the worship center, or set up regular giving through your local bank to be sent to:
Center Point Church
P.O. Box 54230
Lexington, KY 40555
Center Point Church
P.O. Box 54230
Lexington, KY 40555
Set up regular giving online at cpclex.org/give and designate, "Committed."
Donate stock
Donate stock directly to Center Point Church through our online platform, Donate Stock.
Interested in other non-cash giving options, such as retirement assets, cryptocurrency, other valuables (cars, boats, jewlery, etc.)?
- What could I reasonably give above and beyond my current giving?
- What could I reprioritize and be able to give?
- What could I rely on God for in an exercise of faith?
Is Committed replacing For This City?
“Committed” is simply a new way to think about “For This City.” The heart remains the same: to use the facility and resources that God gives us to the maximum effectiveness in pursuit of our mission to take everyone we meet, one step closer to becoming a true disciple of Jesus Christ.
Why now?
We are incredibly thankful for the building and location that God has sovereignly placed us in since 2018. God has grown our church since that time and we love exploring new ways to love and reach our neighborhood with the gospel.
There are several limiting factors to reaching our city and making more disciples due to our current facility.
Did we consider a multiplying solution (such as launching a new campus, church plant, etc.)?
Yes, this solution was seriously discussed and prayed about. Our Leadership Team believes that, right now, a new facility is a better option because:
Why are we seeking to raise $1.7 million over 2 years?
Research says that most churches can expect to raise 1.5x their annual budget over the course of 2-3 years (and there is not much difference picking either 2 or 3 years). Therefore, given that we have around 2 more years on our current lease we decided to go with 2 years instead of 3.
Once raised, this will either go towards purchasing land or the downpayment on a mortgage (see the question on debt below) or something similar.
Do we have a space already in mind?
We do not currently have a space in mind, but are actively looking through a local realtor who has a unique combination of experience in both the commercial real estate world as well as helping churches like ours secure facilities.
What are we looking for?
Leaving room for flexibility, our prayerful goal is that God would provide us a permanent home of around 40,000 or more square feet (more than doubling our current square footage) in the proximity of 40509 that would seat around 900 in congregational worship, provide improved space for kids, and multipurpose spaces to be used for students, college, teaching and training environments, Biblical counseling, and other Great Commission initiatives. We also have a desire to maintain reasonable proximity to the campus of the University of Kentucky so that we can effectively minister to this strategic mission field for generations to come.
In what areas of Lexington are we looking?
While we are open to exploring any location or solution God might provide, our hope is to stay in our current zip code of 40509 or as close to that zip code as possible.
If we don’t have a space in mind, why are we already raising money?
We want to be prepared to move as quickly as we can once God provides a solution.
Will we take on debt?
While we would love to avoid taking on debt if at all possible, our Leadership Team has approved the potential of taking on reasonable debt if necessary. Therefore, it is possible that we would combine what we raise in our Committed campaign with wise and reasonable debt if necessary.
Will this require a membership vote?
The official constitution requires a vote by members in order to take on debt more than 25% of the previous years annual operating budget. Therefore, there will be a member vote if we would take on debt in excess of $264,752.66 (25% of 2023’s annual operating budget of $1,059,010.63)
Should this take the place of my normal giving to the annual budget?
We are asking that you prayerfully consider giving to the Committed Campaign in addition to, not instead of, your regular tithes and contributions to our general fund. We do not want to sacrifice future ministry for the sake of current ministry.
What if I have ideas, references, leads, or questions?
We would love your collaboration! You can email committed@cpclex.org.
“Committed” is simply a new way to think about “For This City.” The heart remains the same: to use the facility and resources that God gives us to the maximum effectiveness in pursuit of our mission to take everyone we meet, one step closer to becoming a true disciple of Jesus Christ.
Why now?
We are incredibly thankful for the building and location that God has sovereignly placed us in since 2018. God has grown our church since that time and we love exploring new ways to love and reach our neighborhood with the gospel.
There are several limiting factors to reaching our city and making more disciples due to our current facility.
- We are in a leased facility. Our current lease runs out at the end of March 2026, meaning that we currently have a little over 2 years in that space at the time of this writing before a new lease must be negotiated.
- Parking and traffic flow are major barriers to reaching new people.
- 3 services is a necessary band-aid to current problems, but not necessarily a desired strategy long term.
- We have limited space for kids and students. We want to provide better space to invest in and build up families.
- We have minimal space for TRACKS, teaching and training, and Biblical Counseling.
Did we consider a multiplying solution (such as launching a new campus, church plant, etc.)?
Yes, this solution was seriously discussed and prayed about. Our Leadership Team believes that, right now, a new facility is a better option because:
- As great as sending out a team to launch or plant is, it is not a long-term solution to our current constraints (i.e. meeting in a leased space, parking struggles, increasing need for more kids, students, teaching/training space, etc.)
- We believe that a more permanent solution will allow us to explore potential multiplying options like campuses, church planting/revitalization as a strategy for reaching our region for Christ more effectively for years to come.
Why are we seeking to raise $1.7 million over 2 years?
Research says that most churches can expect to raise 1.5x their annual budget over the course of 2-3 years (and there is not much difference picking either 2 or 3 years). Therefore, given that we have around 2 more years on our current lease we decided to go with 2 years instead of 3.
Once raised, this will either go towards purchasing land or the downpayment on a mortgage (see the question on debt below) or something similar.
Do we have a space already in mind?
We do not currently have a space in mind, but are actively looking through a local realtor who has a unique combination of experience in both the commercial real estate world as well as helping churches like ours secure facilities.
What are we looking for?
Leaving room for flexibility, our prayerful goal is that God would provide us a permanent home of around 40,000 or more square feet (more than doubling our current square footage) in the proximity of 40509 that would seat around 900 in congregational worship, provide improved space for kids, and multipurpose spaces to be used for students, college, teaching and training environments, Biblical counseling, and other Great Commission initiatives. We also have a desire to maintain reasonable proximity to the campus of the University of Kentucky so that we can effectively minister to this strategic mission field for generations to come.
In what areas of Lexington are we looking?
While we are open to exploring any location or solution God might provide, our hope is to stay in our current zip code of 40509 or as close to that zip code as possible.
If we don’t have a space in mind, why are we already raising money?
We want to be prepared to move as quickly as we can once God provides a solution.
Will we take on debt?
While we would love to avoid taking on debt if at all possible, our Leadership Team has approved the potential of taking on reasonable debt if necessary. Therefore, it is possible that we would combine what we raise in our Committed campaign with wise and reasonable debt if necessary.
Will this require a membership vote?
The official constitution requires a vote by members in order to take on debt more than 25% of the previous years annual operating budget. Therefore, there will be a member vote if we would take on debt in excess of $264,752.66 (25% of 2023’s annual operating budget of $1,059,010.63)
Should this take the place of my normal giving to the annual budget?
We are asking that you prayerfully consider giving to the Committed Campaign in addition to, not instead of, your regular tithes and contributions to our general fund. We do not want to sacrifice future ministry for the sake of current ministry.
What if I have ideas, references, leads, or questions?
We would love your collaboration! You can email committed@cpclex.org.