Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
As a body of believers in Jesus Christ, our call to reach a hurting and broken world with the Gospel is the heartbeat of Center Point. Jesus left us with the command to “go and make disciples of all nations”, and we want to faithfully live this out as a church. God deeply loves every person from every tribe, tongue and nation and it is because of this love and for His glory that we actively pursue mission opportunities.
Most of what you will hear and experience at Center Point relates to the idea of being on a mission with Christ. Our church staff is committed to expanding the church by means of church plants on a local level as well as sponsoring and sending national and international missionaries. We invite you to join us as we seek to eternally impact every person we meet with the transforming power of Jesus and to see His name made famous.
Most of what you will hear and experience at Center Point relates to the idea of being on a mission with Christ. Our church staff is committed to expanding the church by means of church plants on a local level as well as sponsoring and sending national and international missionaries. We invite you to join us as we seek to eternally impact every person we meet with the transforming power of Jesus and to see His name made famous.

Join the mission
Pray now about where God might be calling you to go.
If you can't go, send.
If you can't send, pray.
If you can't go, send.
If you can't send, pray.
Brazil 2019
We sent a team to Brazil in March to work with Judson and Raquel Hatcher, a missionary family that we support. They got to work with kids, do street evangelism, and ultimately see people come to faith in Jesus.
Honduras 2019
In June 2019, we sent a team to Honduras to parter with a few of the ICM Churches and Hope Centers that Center Point has sponsored through our annual missions giving. They visited the building projects, encouraged the pastors and church leaders, and put on programs for evangelism. Through those opportunities, about 200 people prayed to ask Jesus to be their Lord and Savior.
Chinatown 2019
In June, we also sent a team to parter with the Pui Tank Center in Chinatown, Chicago. It's a international type of trip that's just a 6-hour car ride away. They taught ESL classes with Bible stories as the curriculum. They got to have conversations about the Gospel with many people and saw people make the decision to follow Jesus.