2 Kings 22

Today's Passage: 2 Kings 22

2 Kings 22:11 - [11] When the king heard the words of the Book of the Law, he tore his clothes. (ESV)

King Josiah was a godly king. Scripture says, “And he did what was right in the eyes of the LORD…and he did not turn aside to the right or to the left.” What made him such a great king and man of God? His humility in repenting and following the Word of God.

Repentance is a lost art in the church today, but it is essential for a believer's life. Notice Josiah’s response to hearing God’s Word read to him—he stops, weeps, and tears his clothes. Then he asks the priest to inquire of the Lord—to seek the Lord and find out what he should do about his sin.

What a beautiful response to the reality of our sin, seek the only one who can deal with our guilt and shame. The good news is that you and I can seek the Lord and know the exact remedy for our sins. We can approach the Lord and know that Christ paid the full price and penalty for our sins. We can read scriptures like 1 John 1 that tells us that Christ is “faithful and just to forgive us our sin,” and experience the assurance of pardon.

Why then are we so reluctant to fall before the Lord in repentance? We try to hide our sins or dismiss them as “not that bad.” We refrain from a broken and contrite heart because it forces us to admit that we are STILL — after all this time and all His grace — broken people in need of a savior. Shouldn’t we be past this particular sin? But Jesus came so that we would turn to him with our sin for the first time as well as the thousandth. It gives him great pleasure and glory that we would come to him in repentance again and again.

Is there any sin(s) that you’ve been putting off bringing to the Lord? Or maybe you’ve never really gotten on your knees and wept for your sin. Don’t wait another night, go to him right now and inquire of the Lord. Let us be a church marked by repentance and faith in Christ Jesus.

Written By: Joe Weaver

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