Psalm 91

Today's Passage: Psalm 91

In the opening stanza of this Psalm (v. 1-2), David tells us a lot about God. By using 4 different names, he describes God to his readers in an incredible way.

1. The Most High: no one is higher than Him
2. The Almighty: no one is more powerful than Him
3. The LORD: no one is more consistent than Him (“I AM who I AM”)
4. My God: no one is more personal to us than Him

These 4 descriptions inform he rest of Psalm 91:

- Deliverer (v. 3): Almighty
- Coverer (v. 4): Most High
- Faithful (v. 4): The LORD
- Seer (v. 8): Most High
- Protector (v. 9-10): Almighty
- Commander (v. 11): Most High
- Knower (v. 14): my God
- Answerer (v. 15): my God

Which of the names of God ministers to your heart today? Of the 4, which one encourages you the most? Which one have you seen most prominent lately? Which one do you need to see God as in a better way?

ADDITIONAL NOTE: verses 11-12 are Messianic in nature and quoted by Satan in the temptation of Jesus in Matthew 4. Clearly, they are meant to show the connection that even Satan knew who Jesus was (and still is); the one whom God had chosen to save His people.

1 Comment

Norma White - September 2nd, 2024 at 8:05am

This psalm is one of my favorites. I often went to this one during the covid-19 pandemic. For me, it is a passage of strength against evil like Ephesians 6.

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