Psalm 89

Today's Passage: Psalm 89

The author of Psalm 89, Ethan, takes us on a journey exclaiming what it looks like to sing of the steadfast love of the Lord. He begins by declaring that he will sing and he will make God’s faithfulness known to all generations.

Ethan is unmistakably filled with adoration for God and he wants everyone to know. His sharing is not meant to bring attention to his knowledge of God, but to reflect the heart of God.

God established his covenant with David so that all generations and all people could be invited into the people of God. Ultimately, God’s faithfulness to this covenant was fulfilled through Jesus. Through Jesus’ life He showed himself as the humble servant king. Through His death He showed that He has authority over death, and through His resurrection Jesus has taken His rightful place on the throne in heaven.

Now, we have the privilege to share God’s faithfulness with all generations, but how do we explain the faithfulness of God?

Like Ethan, we can show the beauty of God throughout creation. We can look at the skies and the seas and every inch of creation and see the beauty of a world intentionally made by the Creator.

We can, and we should, see God as the majestic, powerful, incomparable Lord of all things, but we also need to see the personal blessing and beauty that comes from walking with the Lord.

If we are seeking to reach all generations with the hope of the gospel, we need to show them how God has personally been our strength and shield. When we read the beautiful covenant that God made with David we can have hope and confidence that because of what Jesus has done on our behalf. Jesus took on the rod and stripes that our disobedience deserved and now we are invited into a new covenant where we can not be taken from His hand when we repent of our sin and turn to Him.

Even when we walk through the valley of death and we ask how long the Lord will hide, we can continue to praise because we have seen His steadfast love.

Written By: Paulette Carwile

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