Psalm 56

Today's Passage: Psalm 56
Psalm 56:3–4

[3] When I am afraid,
I put my trust in you.
[4] In God, whose word I praise,
in God I trust; I shall not be afraid.
What can flesh do to me? (ESV)

While David writes this Psalm he is imprisoned by the Philistines. These are Israel’s enemies and the Psalm indicates that he was mistreated while in his captivity. So how can he write these verses with such hope?

One of the sweetest parts of parenthood is being woken up in the middle of the night by little hands and feet as they crawl in bed with me. When I hear that little voice say, “Daddy, I’m scared,” I wrap my arms around them and feel them peacefully fall back to sleep. They know their dad’s character. He’ll never leave them or forsake them.

In the same way, David cries out to his heavenly Father knowing that He hears, He answers, and He comforts. David knows God’s character and has seen God’s faithfulness throughout his life. So when the enemy prevails and troubles surround him, David can lean into God’s presence and trust Him fully.

We have the same privilege of trusting God with all our troubles today. Right where you are, with whatever you’re going through. You can run to your heavenly Father and trust that He will never leave or forsake you. Jesus lived and died so that you would do just that - come to him. So as you run into His embrace would you say with David,
Psalm 56:12–13

[12] I must perform my vows to you, O God;
I will render thank offerings to you.
[13] For you have delivered my soul from death,
yes, my feet from falling,
that I may walk before God
in the light of life. (ESV)

Written By: Joe Weaver

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