2 John

Today's Passage: 2 John

Danny Akin said, “Second John’s major point appears to be that we must walk in the commands of Christ as we love the truth of His teaching.” Let’s unpack this:

To walk addresses a Christian’s behavior and lifestyle. It’s how they conduct their life. John rejoices because there are people walking in the truth (v. 4). The truth is simply the Gospel: Jesus came to earth, lived a perfect life, died for our sins, and rose three days later. Those who believe in the Gospel are now in turn walking in what the Gospel says to do. And Jesus gave us the two greatest commandments in Matthew 22: to love God and to love others. John points out how these commandments are not new, but what have already been communicated (v. 5). Let us reflect:

1. Do you know and believe the truth of the Gospel? When was the last time you were thankful for the Gospel?

2. Do you walk as Jesus commanded? Do you truly love God? Is He your first priority every day? Do you love others? When was the last time you went out of your way to help someone?

One thing I want to point out as well: I love how John wants to address issues. He says, “Though I have much to write to you, I would rather not use paper and ink. Instead I hope to come to you and talk face to face.” What a great reminder to not get caught up in digital communication. If you have something  you want to talk about with someone (whether serious or for advice, etc.), go talk to them in person! Community will never really happen through technology.
Written By: Brice Stockton

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