Deuteronomy 9:7-29

Today's Passage: Deuteronomy 9:7-29 

In today’s reading, Moses recounts when Israel made and worshiped the Golden Calf back in Exodus.

While reading, verse 14 stuck out. God says to Moses, “Let me alone, that I may destroy them and blot out their name from under heaven. And I will make of you a nation mightier and greater than they.”

God said He was willing to destroy Israel. Moses, in response, pleaded to God not to destroy His people.

Would God have destroyed His people had it not been for the prayer of Moses? I think there are two answers:

1. God is sovereign and a covenant-keeping God. All along, God knew Israel would rebel. Their hearts would turn and follow idols. But God, out of His mercy, still established a covenant with them – and it could never be broken on His end. His plan of redemption (Jesus) was to come through the lineage of Abraham. If that is true, then He could not destroy Israel.

2. God is testing Moses. God is a personal God. He interacts with His people. God was seeing what Moses’ response would be to the statement of verse 14. And what do we find out about Moses? He was a great leader, who would intercede on behalf of the people he was leading. It’s almost like Moses was foreshadowing someone else who would intercede on behalf of sinners…

When reading Scripture, we must be careful not to make quick and rash decisions. If you read this passage, not knowing the context of the Bible, it seems like God is quick-tempered and easily persuadable. It would also seem like Moses has more authority than God. But, when we understand the context, know the characteristics of God, and are able to see the full picture of Scripture, we get to see a beautiful foreshadowing of Jesus through Moses!

Written By: Brice Stockton

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