Deuteronomy 6

Today's Passage: Deuteronomy 6

Since the Exodus began, God has been giving out instructions for Israel: how to do sacrifices, how to build the tent, how to interact with foreigners, and much more. As we come to Deuteronomy 6, we see some of the heart of God as He lays out some basics of Christian living.

1.LOVE GOD (v. 4-5)
God wants our love and is worthy of it. As we consider the Triune God and our response to Him, it is to love Him with every fiber of our being. Heart (will and emotion), soul (our inner spiritual being), and might (in our actions). This is the great duty of the Christian and greatest blessing as well: to love God supremely.

2.TEACH GOD (v. 6-9)
As we know and love God ourselves, we are called to family discipleship. That generations after us know and love God too is a key component for leaving a legacy. Children must know and serve the same God of their parents, and it is a primary responsibility of the parents to remember and teach God to their families.

Go read verses 10-12 again slowly. God warns of our impending forgetfulness. If we come to a place of satisfaction, may we take no credit that we did it. God’s faithfulness did it! He brought Israel out of Egypt by His own power and provided by His own goodness.

Here’s my hope for all of us: may we not be found guilty of loving God and teaching God, only to turn around and forget Him. We must always remember, and we will remember as we continue to teach, and we continue teach because we continue to love.

Written By: Drew Dukes

1 Comment

Ronnie C - February 24th, 2024 at 4:51pm

Well said Pastor Drew! I needed this. Never give up. Always teach, always love with heart of God's love and teach. If we begin to forget, we stop.

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