Zechariah 7

Today's Passage: Zechariah 7

God speaks through Zechariah with a very applicable message that we should pay close attention to. God basically rebukes His people for putting on outward signs of devotion to Him but revealing that their hearts are actually far from Him.

Paraphrased, God says, “You fast but WHO do you fast for? It’s for you, not me.”

As a result of their glossy veneer of religious activity, God reminds them of what He cares about more than outward expressions of religion:

  • Render true judgments (be honest!)
  • Show kindness and mercy to one another (don’t say you love Me but refuse to love people; that is incompatible)
  • Don’t mistreat the least of these (stop making a social totem pole where people are marginalized)
  • Don’t let evil dwell inside of you (internal purity is more important than outward expression)

God goes on to say they didn’t listen. They rejected the simplest of His commands, and for it they were disciplined.

How easy it is to over-complicate the Christian life, when God consistently strives to show how basic it really is. Love God and love people.

Is there any semblance of religious activity in you that isn’t motivated by a gospel love for God and others? Do you pray, fast, read your Bible, and tithe, all the while holding grudges in your heart? God wants purity from us in all ways, so what does this look like for you?

Diamonds might be a girl’s best friend, but a diamond-heart is not something God desires from us (v. 12).

Written By: Drew Dukes

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