Zechariah 5

Today's Passage: Zechariah 5 

In chapter 5, the visions of Zechariah give us a picture of God’s justice AND His ultimate plan to redeem His people.

The massive flying scroll is seen to be purifying the land. It cleans out thieves and liars. For the Israelites this vision probably resembled what they saw of God purifying and building up His people once again.

God was purifying His nation to be a beacon to the nations and He would purify them through His word!

The vision of the woman in the basket gives us a flashback of Israel being sent to exile because of their sin. God sent their iniquity and wickedness away.

When we read this passage, we can be encouraged knowing that God’s character has not changed!

God has brought justice for our sin and He has sent our iniquity into exile, and He did this through the Word Made Flesh: Jesus.

God’s just plan of redemption is best on display in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. Because of His sacrifice on our behalf, we can be redeemed. Our sin was paid for on the Cross and in Christ’s resurrection we are given hope that we too can be brought to new life and be transformed by His word!

Written By: Paulette Carwile

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