Daniel 12

Today's Passage: Daniel 12
As I consider the prophecy of Daniel, I am reminded to consider what we learn about the nature of predictive prophecy with regard to Jesus as the Messiah. First, there are over 300 prophecies about the Messiah in the Old Testament. Second, although I can’t cite my source, I have heard on several occasions that ancient scholars believed that no one person could fulfill all messianic prophecies such that they expected up to 5 people to come as Messiah. Third, we now know through the progressive revelation of the New Testament that one man can and will fulfill all of these prophecies—in Christ’s first coming as the Suffering Servant, and also through his Second Coming as Ruler and Judge. Fourth, these prophecies were literally fulfilled, although hindsight has provided more clarity on the nature of the prophetic message. Finally, the religious leaders of Jesus’ day completely misunderstood who he was and what he’d come to accomplish—they possessed knowledge, but lacked true godly wisdom.
So, with that said, what does Daniel 12 mean? The short answer is I don’t know. I have an opinion, but held openhandedly.
Daniel 11 recorded events that were future to Daniel. Some of those things were pretty specific such that many people believe they were literally fulfilled in the coming Persian conquest and subsequent Greek conquest under Alexander the Great. All of this culminates in the reign of Antiochus Epiphanes—an evil man who violated and desecrated God’s temple leading to the Maccabean Revolt. This is where I tend to land with regard to Daniel 11.
So, what then is the “time of trouble/distress” in verse 1? The Expositors Commentary sums it up two of the main views well, “The historicist interpreter understands this unparalleled “time of distress” (v. 1b) as the enormity of the persecution of the Jews by Antiochus IV (e.g., Lucas, 294; Redditt, 190). The futurist interpreter equates this “time of distress” with the “great tribulation,” the cataclysmic wrath of God poured out against unbelieving Israel and the entire world at the end of the age just before the second coming of Jesus Christ (e.g., Miller, 314–15; cf. Rev 6–16).”
Let me say that I get uneasy when well-meaning folks become overly dogmatic on interpreting various elements of “this means this and that means that and here are my calculations of what not.” I like words like “probably,” “maybe,” and “possibly” in these conversations. I am also comforted when, in verse 8, Daniel said, “I heard, but I did not understand.” Yet, verse 9 seems to indicate that Daniel’s prophetic utterances will be understood with clarity at “the time of the end.”
I do think this passage probably provides insight into an eschatological reality—using the coming events to point to a greater future fulfillment. Verse 2 unambiguously presents a resurrection (the clearest yet in the OT), possibly even a rapture depending on your view of the timing of future events.
Here’s something we know for certain—the day is coming where evangelism will no longer exist. On the coming day of judgement there will be no more opportunity for people to receive the Gospel and experience salvation. It’s easy to read prophecies like what we’ve encountered in the last few chapters of Daniel and wonder if contemporary world leaders might be the ones in view—to look into the pages of Scripture and think, “The end is near!” For certain, it’s closer today than it was yesterday. Either way, we should be motivated to share Jesus because one day, the opportunity will be over.
Written By: Tyler Short
As I consider the prophecy of Daniel, I am reminded to consider what we learn about the nature of predictive prophecy with regard to Jesus as the Messiah. First, there are over 300 prophecies about the Messiah in the Old Testament. Second, although I can’t cite my source, I have heard on several occasions that ancient scholars believed that no one person could fulfill all messianic prophecies such that they expected up to 5 people to come as Messiah. Third, we now know through the progressive revelation of the New Testament that one man can and will fulfill all of these prophecies—in Christ’s first coming as the Suffering Servant, and also through his Second Coming as Ruler and Judge. Fourth, these prophecies were literally fulfilled, although hindsight has provided more clarity on the nature of the prophetic message. Finally, the religious leaders of Jesus’ day completely misunderstood who he was and what he’d come to accomplish—they possessed knowledge, but lacked true godly wisdom.
So, with that said, what does Daniel 12 mean? The short answer is I don’t know. I have an opinion, but held openhandedly.
Daniel 11 recorded events that were future to Daniel. Some of those things were pretty specific such that many people believe they were literally fulfilled in the coming Persian conquest and subsequent Greek conquest under Alexander the Great. All of this culminates in the reign of Antiochus Epiphanes—an evil man who violated and desecrated God’s temple leading to the Maccabean Revolt. This is where I tend to land with regard to Daniel 11.
So, what then is the “time of trouble/distress” in verse 1? The Expositors Commentary sums it up two of the main views well, “The historicist interpreter understands this unparalleled “time of distress” (v. 1b) as the enormity of the persecution of the Jews by Antiochus IV (e.g., Lucas, 294; Redditt, 190). The futurist interpreter equates this “time of distress” with the “great tribulation,” the cataclysmic wrath of God poured out against unbelieving Israel and the entire world at the end of the age just before the second coming of Jesus Christ (e.g., Miller, 314–15; cf. Rev 6–16).”
Let me say that I get uneasy when well-meaning folks become overly dogmatic on interpreting various elements of “this means this and that means that and here are my calculations of what not.” I like words like “probably,” “maybe,” and “possibly” in these conversations. I am also comforted when, in verse 8, Daniel said, “I heard, but I did not understand.” Yet, verse 9 seems to indicate that Daniel’s prophetic utterances will be understood with clarity at “the time of the end.”
I do think this passage probably provides insight into an eschatological reality—using the coming events to point to a greater future fulfillment. Verse 2 unambiguously presents a resurrection (the clearest yet in the OT), possibly even a rapture depending on your view of the timing of future events.
Here’s something we know for certain—the day is coming where evangelism will no longer exist. On the coming day of judgement there will be no more opportunity for people to receive the Gospel and experience salvation. It’s easy to read prophecies like what we’ve encountered in the last few chapters of Daniel and wonder if contemporary world leaders might be the ones in view—to look into the pages of Scripture and think, “The end is near!” For certain, it’s closer today than it was yesterday. Either way, we should be motivated to share Jesus because one day, the opportunity will be over.
Written By: Tyler Short
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