1 Timothy 6:11-21

Today's Passage: 1 Timothy 6:11-21
The gospel is not what we do for Jesus, but all that Jesus has done for us. His love, His grace, His forgiveness, His power to save and His pursuit of us in the first place, all despite our efforts. We come into relationship with Christ by FAITH alone and not by our own merit.
YET, once we are in a true saving relationship with Jesus, there is work to be on our side. Justification (God legally declaring us innocent) is an act of God alone. Sanctification (us being formed into the likeness of Jesus) is something we take on personally.
Look at all the action words Paul uses in this passage:
This is the straining that Paul talks about in Philippians 3:13. The Christian life involves a great amount of discipline and effort. It means work (see Philippians 2:12).
Keeping Christ as your focus is the best way to truly thrive in the Christian life. Paul says as much here in today’s passage:
Looking back at the action items above, which one can you strive to grow in? Where do you need the help of the Lord Jesus Christ who is so beautifully depicted in this text? This message isn’t just for Timothy, it’s for all who claim Jesus as such.
Our work for Jesus is motivated by our wonder for Jesus.
If we see Him as Paul sees Him, the striving is hard, but worth it. Would you say the same, and do you see Jesus like Paul wanted Timothy to? If not, how do you get there today?
Written By: Drew Dukes
The gospel is not what we do for Jesus, but all that Jesus has done for us. His love, His grace, His forgiveness, His power to save and His pursuit of us in the first place, all despite our efforts. We come into relationship with Christ by FAITH alone and not by our own merit.
YET, once we are in a true saving relationship with Jesus, there is work to be on our side. Justification (God legally declaring us innocent) is an act of God alone. Sanctification (us being formed into the likeness of Jesus) is something we take on personally.
Look at all the action words Paul uses in this passage:
- Flee (v. 11)
- Fight (v. 11)
- Take hold (v. 11)
- Keep (v. 14)
- Don’t be haughty (v. 17)
- Don’t set your hopes on riches (v. 17)
- Do good (v. 18)
- Be rich in good works (v. 18)
- Be generous (v. 18)
- Store up (heavenly) treasure (v 19)
- Take hold (again) (v. 19)
- Guard (v. 20)
- Avoid (v. 20)
Keeping Christ as your focus is the best way to truly thrive in the Christian life. Paul says as much here in today’s passage:
- Jesus Christ is Lord (v. 14)
- He is the only Sovereign (v. 15)
- He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords (v. 15)
- He is immortal (v. 16)
- He dwells in unapproachable light (v. 16)
- He alone is worthy of honor and eternal dominion (v. 16)
Looking back at the action items above, which one can you strive to grow in? Where do you need the help of the Lord Jesus Christ who is so beautifully depicted in this text? This message isn’t just for Timothy, it’s for all who claim Jesus as such.
Our work for Jesus is motivated by our wonder for Jesus.
If we see Him as Paul sees Him, the striving is hard, but worth it. Would you say the same, and do you see Jesus like Paul wanted Timothy to? If not, how do you get there today?
Written By: Drew Dukes
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