1 Timothy 5:17-25

Today's Passage: 1 Timothy 5:17-25
Paul has a major concern for those who are leading churches. He shows us how to compensate, how to manage, and how to appoint in this passage.
First, Paul talks about compensation. Notice in verse 17, Paul tells Timothy that elders of the church should be “considered worthy of double honor”. There are two forms of honor that he is discussing here: respect and money (“the laborer deserves his wages”). But notice the two criteria for such an elder: they must be “worthy” and “labor in preaching and teaching”. Their character should walk the walk. They must also be disciplined to know, understand, and teach the Bible in a way that honors God.
Second, Paul talks about how to manage elders. What we must recognize is how pastors can be quickly under scrutiny. Pastors are all around sinful situations that could be used against them. That’s why Paul says there needs to be two to three witnesses. He is showing there needs to be a proof of evidence. (I will also say, there have been many pastors who have made major mistakes in their ministry and life. I am not advocating for protecting the guilty.) And Paul mentions this in verses 20-21. Those elders/pastors who continue in sin should be rebuked from the church.
Third, Paul talks about how to appoint elders. He warns about being quick to appoint someone. Churches should take their time when selecting their leaders. Some will rule themselves out, but others may find a way to sneak in (v. 24). But careful selection is important and is for the benefit of the church.
As someone who serves on staff at Center Point Church, this passage is a great reminder for me. Jesus has called me to shepherd His flock – I do not take that lightly. Thank you church for appointing me. My desire is to be one who is worthy and labors to preach and teach. If there is anything I can do to help you in your walk with Jesus, please let me know!
Written By: Brice Stockton
Paul has a major concern for those who are leading churches. He shows us how to compensate, how to manage, and how to appoint in this passage.
First, Paul talks about compensation. Notice in verse 17, Paul tells Timothy that elders of the church should be “considered worthy of double honor”. There are two forms of honor that he is discussing here: respect and money (“the laborer deserves his wages”). But notice the two criteria for such an elder: they must be “worthy” and “labor in preaching and teaching”. Their character should walk the walk. They must also be disciplined to know, understand, and teach the Bible in a way that honors God.
Second, Paul talks about how to manage elders. What we must recognize is how pastors can be quickly under scrutiny. Pastors are all around sinful situations that could be used against them. That’s why Paul says there needs to be two to three witnesses. He is showing there needs to be a proof of evidence. (I will also say, there have been many pastors who have made major mistakes in their ministry and life. I am not advocating for protecting the guilty.) And Paul mentions this in verses 20-21. Those elders/pastors who continue in sin should be rebuked from the church.
Third, Paul talks about how to appoint elders. He warns about being quick to appoint someone. Churches should take their time when selecting their leaders. Some will rule themselves out, but others may find a way to sneak in (v. 24). But careful selection is important and is for the benefit of the church.
As someone who serves on staff at Center Point Church, this passage is a great reminder for me. Jesus has called me to shepherd His flock – I do not take that lightly. Thank you church for appointing me. My desire is to be one who is worthy and labors to preach and teach. If there is anything I can do to help you in your walk with Jesus, please let me know!
Written By: Brice Stockton
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