1 Timothy 3:14-16

Today's Passage: 1 Timothy 3:14-16
“I hope to come to you soon, but I am writing these things to you so that, if I delay, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God…”
Paul’s letters to the churches are no stranger to giving guidelines for church order. He cares a great deal about making sure the church is as healthy as it can be, and in today’s passage he gives clear explanation as to why he cares so much about the Bride of Christ.
1. It is the church of the living God.
The Church is a practical representative of God Himself. In the same way that Jesus is the image of God, the body of Christ is a reflection as to what God is like. How we act directly represents God. How we order ourselves (or don’t) is a direct reflection of God’s desires and priorities. In the same way you would tell your kids not to act foolish because of the last name they bear and the image it leaves behind, Paul wants there to be order in the church so the church’s reflection of the living God is accurate and edifying.
2. It is a pillar and buttress of truth.
I’m pretty sure you haven’t used the word buttress in conversation this week, but it does highlight how important the church is to Paul. He says the church is a solid foundation, a steady support, a rock. But for what? TRUTH. The reason why the church is so important is because of who and what it stands for: the living God and His communicated truth. Culture isn’t the standard of truth. Social media and popular trends aren’t the standard of truth. God’s Word is the pillar, which is why we must take good care of the church because of the truth she represents and stands on.
3. It is Jesus who we confess.
He was manifested in the flesh… (the incarnation)
Vindicated by the Spirit… (the resurrection)
Seen by angels… (Jesus’ eternal state and pre-incarnate glory)
Proclaimed among the nations… (the Great Commission)
Believed on in the world… (salvation)
Taken up into glory… (the ascension)
Jesus is the purpose and point of the church. He is the living God. He is the pillar and buttress of truth. He is the mystery of godliness revealed. Jesus is everything to us. So, as we consider what makes a healthy church, we look no further than the realization that it must be built on Jesus Christ and no other cornerstone. As we will see in tomorrow’s reading, there will be people who fall away from this truth. That’s one reason why we continue to pray for the Church of Jesus Christ.
Take a few minutes and do that right now!
Written By: Drew Dukes
“I hope to come to you soon, but I am writing these things to you so that, if I delay, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God…”
Paul’s letters to the churches are no stranger to giving guidelines for church order. He cares a great deal about making sure the church is as healthy as it can be, and in today’s passage he gives clear explanation as to why he cares so much about the Bride of Christ.
1. It is the church of the living God.
The Church is a practical representative of God Himself. In the same way that Jesus is the image of God, the body of Christ is a reflection as to what God is like. How we act directly represents God. How we order ourselves (or don’t) is a direct reflection of God’s desires and priorities. In the same way you would tell your kids not to act foolish because of the last name they bear and the image it leaves behind, Paul wants there to be order in the church so the church’s reflection of the living God is accurate and edifying.
2. It is a pillar and buttress of truth.
I’m pretty sure you haven’t used the word buttress in conversation this week, but it does highlight how important the church is to Paul. He says the church is a solid foundation, a steady support, a rock. But for what? TRUTH. The reason why the church is so important is because of who and what it stands for: the living God and His communicated truth. Culture isn’t the standard of truth. Social media and popular trends aren’t the standard of truth. God’s Word is the pillar, which is why we must take good care of the church because of the truth she represents and stands on.
3. It is Jesus who we confess.
He was manifested in the flesh… (the incarnation)
Vindicated by the Spirit… (the resurrection)
Seen by angels… (Jesus’ eternal state and pre-incarnate glory)
Proclaimed among the nations… (the Great Commission)
Believed on in the world… (salvation)
Taken up into glory… (the ascension)
Jesus is the purpose and point of the church. He is the living God. He is the pillar and buttress of truth. He is the mystery of godliness revealed. Jesus is everything to us. So, as we consider what makes a healthy church, we look no further than the realization that it must be built on Jesus Christ and no other cornerstone. As we will see in tomorrow’s reading, there will be people who fall away from this truth. That’s one reason why we continue to pray for the Church of Jesus Christ.
Take a few minutes and do that right now!
Written By: Drew Dukes
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