1 Timothy 3:1-13

Today's Passage: 1 Timothy 3:1-13
Oh that God would protect and preserve our pastors and staff. All of us could likely name pastors, churches, deacons, friends, or families that have had moral failures. We’ve watched families torn apart, churches dissolved, and faiths ruined as a result of sin.
Paul writes to Timothy to remind him to be on guard against sin and the devil. He knows that the enemy waits like a prowling lion ready to devour us (1 Peter 5:8), but for the grace of God to preserve us. So he instructs Timothy, pastors, and deacons to live up to the standard of righteousness. Is this so that clergy never sin? Of course not, but Paul recognizes the damage caused by religious leaders living in public moral sin, and we are called to be holy as He is holy (1 Peter 1:16). For this reason we ought to pray for the protection and holiness of our staff. We must be worshipers before workers, and we need God’s grace and your prayers to do this.
This begs the question, are pastors and deacons the only ones called to live like this? No, 1 Peter 1:16 reminds us that ALL believers are called to live holy lives that imitate Christ Jesus. Most of the qualifications reflect fruits of the Spirit (gentleness, self-control, patience, etc.), and if we are pursuing Jesus, then our lives should bear this kind of maturity and fruit.
But obedience is difficult. Life is hard. Sin is tempting. Though we have been saved by grace, we still wrestle with sin. No one is exempt, not even our staff. This should point us to our great High Priest, who presented himself as the spotless sacrifice for our sins. We don’t look to a pastor or elder to save us - he will fail us. We look to Him who knew no sin but became sin for us so that we would become the righteousness of God. So look to Him and worship him - with your life, family, job…with everything.
Pray that God would protect you from sin and grow you in holiness.
Pray for the staff - their holiness, purity, and pursuit of Jesus.
Reach out to the staff - walk with them and help them pursue Jesus.
Written By: Joe Weaver
Oh that God would protect and preserve our pastors and staff. All of us could likely name pastors, churches, deacons, friends, or families that have had moral failures. We’ve watched families torn apart, churches dissolved, and faiths ruined as a result of sin.
Paul writes to Timothy to remind him to be on guard against sin and the devil. He knows that the enemy waits like a prowling lion ready to devour us (1 Peter 5:8), but for the grace of God to preserve us. So he instructs Timothy, pastors, and deacons to live up to the standard of righteousness. Is this so that clergy never sin? Of course not, but Paul recognizes the damage caused by religious leaders living in public moral sin, and we are called to be holy as He is holy (1 Peter 1:16). For this reason we ought to pray for the protection and holiness of our staff. We must be worshipers before workers, and we need God’s grace and your prayers to do this.
This begs the question, are pastors and deacons the only ones called to live like this? No, 1 Peter 1:16 reminds us that ALL believers are called to live holy lives that imitate Christ Jesus. Most of the qualifications reflect fruits of the Spirit (gentleness, self-control, patience, etc.), and if we are pursuing Jesus, then our lives should bear this kind of maturity and fruit.
But obedience is difficult. Life is hard. Sin is tempting. Though we have been saved by grace, we still wrestle with sin. No one is exempt, not even our staff. This should point us to our great High Priest, who presented himself as the spotless sacrifice for our sins. We don’t look to a pastor or elder to save us - he will fail us. We look to Him who knew no sin but became sin for us so that we would become the righteousness of God. So look to Him and worship him - with your life, family, job…with everything.
Pray that God would protect you from sin and grow you in holiness.
Pray for the staff - their holiness, purity, and pursuit of Jesus.
Reach out to the staff - walk with them and help them pursue Jesus.
Written By: Joe Weaver
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