1 Timothy 2:1-15

Today's Passage: 1 Timothy 2:1-15
God’s desire is for all people to be saved and come to knowledge of the truth (v.4). Yes, God saves each of us individually, but He also saves us so that we can be part of something bigger - His Kingdom. God designed the church to live and work in this world to display what His Kingdom is like.
In our passage today, we see Paul outline for Timothy how the roles of men and women ultimately point to God’s kingdom.
For men, Paul desires for them to lead the church in prayer. The men are called to express self control and submission to the Lord by putting aside anger or conflict so that they can humbly come before the Lord.
In the garden, Adam was designed to live out God’s Kingdom by representing Him on this earth through how he led and how he lived. Now, God calls Christian men to do the same in their families and in the church. Practically, this means that men are the ones designed by God to have ultimate authority in the church when it comes to doctrine and the interpretation of scripture.
For women, Paul desires for them to focus more on how they prepare themselves inwardly than how they prepare themselves outwardly. That women would be marked by self-control and living out their salvation through good works. A godly woman is marked by her submission to authority and her teachable spirit.
As a woman, this passage is one that I have wrestled with many times. It has sparked questions and conversations that have formed how I see God and what it means to live a godly life.
What I have come to realize is that I must rely on the Lord to give me the quiet, self-controlled spirit that this scripture prescribes.
In my flesh I want to be quick to speak before I think and to further my sinful desire for authority. As I have wrestled with this passage I have time and time again found hope in verse 15.
Yes, the verse that says that women will be saved through childbearing. This brings me hope because through the humility and submission of one woman, the Savior of the world was born and it is only through Him that any of us can live out any of the godly qualities or good works that Paul urges us to display.
Written By: Paulette Carwile
God’s desire is for all people to be saved and come to knowledge of the truth (v.4). Yes, God saves each of us individually, but He also saves us so that we can be part of something bigger - His Kingdom. God designed the church to live and work in this world to display what His Kingdom is like.
In our passage today, we see Paul outline for Timothy how the roles of men and women ultimately point to God’s kingdom.
For men, Paul desires for them to lead the church in prayer. The men are called to express self control and submission to the Lord by putting aside anger or conflict so that they can humbly come before the Lord.
In the garden, Adam was designed to live out God’s Kingdom by representing Him on this earth through how he led and how he lived. Now, God calls Christian men to do the same in their families and in the church. Practically, this means that men are the ones designed by God to have ultimate authority in the church when it comes to doctrine and the interpretation of scripture.
For women, Paul desires for them to focus more on how they prepare themselves inwardly than how they prepare themselves outwardly. That women would be marked by self-control and living out their salvation through good works. A godly woman is marked by her submission to authority and her teachable spirit.
As a woman, this passage is one that I have wrestled with many times. It has sparked questions and conversations that have formed how I see God and what it means to live a godly life.
What I have come to realize is that I must rely on the Lord to give me the quiet, self-controlled spirit that this scripture prescribes.
In my flesh I want to be quick to speak before I think and to further my sinful desire for authority. As I have wrestled with this passage I have time and time again found hope in verse 15.
Yes, the verse that says that women will be saved through childbearing. This brings me hope because through the humility and submission of one woman, the Savior of the world was born and it is only through Him that any of us can live out any of the godly qualities or good works that Paul urges us to display.
Written By: Paulette Carwile
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