1 Timothy 1:1-11

Today's Passage: 1 Timothy 1:1-11 

1 Timothy is called a “Pastoral Epistle” because it is written to Timothy, a pastor of the church in Ephesus, from Paul, his spiritual mentor. But it is also very applicable for the church over all.

“The theme of 1 Timothy is that the gospel leads to practical, visible change in the lives of those who believe it. It is often thought that the theme is church order, but the discussion of church offices is simply a piece of the larger argument that the true gospel, in contrast to false teaching, will always lead to godliness in its adherents.” (ESV Study Bible)

As we see in verses 1-11, one of the most important things Paul wants Timothy to focus on, and therefore, one of the most important things for the church to focus on is: right doctrine.

For us, we live in a relative world where absolute truth is doubted at every turn.

But as Christians, we must stand on the doctrines of Scripture, especially the doctrine that the Bible is inspired by God, and therefore without error and sufficient for all of life. The simple way I put it to my kids is that the Bible is God’s true Word.

What ways do you want to grow in your knowledge of theology? Where do you turn to make sure that the things you’re learning are true and Biblical?

If you want to grow in this area, send me an email: graham@cpclex.org. I’d love to help get you some good resources!

Written By: Graham Withers

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