2 Kings 12

Today's Passage: 2 Kings 12

Today, we read about the life of a unique king - King Johoash from Judah. He was
SEVEN years old when he began to reign. We can’t even drive till we are 16! But he
didn’t operate in isolation - he had guidance. Though he was not a perfect king; He
was a righteous king. He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. He repaired the
temple. He truly left a legacy.

His reign proposes 3 QUESTIONS FOR US TO CONSIDER:


Johoash “did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, because Johoida the priest
instructed him
” (v.2). The truth is we need instruction - it is called discipleship. We
don’t just figure out how to live for and honor God. We are instructed. The question is
not are you being instructed. The question is who/what is instructing you? Ponder
that today - what/who in your life is influencing you the most?


When it comes to giving we are called to have obedient and generous hearts. We see
this reflected here. They gave:

  • What they were assessed - TITHE (obedient)
  • As they were prompted in their heart - ABOVE & BEYOND (generous)

Both are commanded by God to us. Everything we have is His. In the end of 2 Kings 12
our giving is called “sacred gifts”. That is what they are. We give out of surrender,
worship, obedience, joy, etc. The reality is that money helps move the mission forward.
That is the way that God designed it. We give to what we worship.

Our tithe is giving God the firstfruits of our income, time, talents, etc. And generous
giving is as God prompts us to give with a joyful heart. This passage challenges us to
process - how are we giving?


God called him to repair the temple. But a little bit into his reign he noticed not much
progress was being made. So he took it on himself to see that it moved forward. God
has called all of us to something. All of us are called to advance the mission with our
sphere of influence. But often God calls us to specific things. What has God called you
to? Are you in a holding pattern or are you moving it forward?

This is a great passage to challenge us. Who is instructing you? How are you giving?
Are you moving forward?

Written By: Nick Parsons

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