2 Kings 8
Today's Passage: 2 Kings 8
Within the first six verses of 2 Kings 8, the word “restore” appears five times. This is a story of restoration! God is giving His people a glimpse of how He wants to restore them by sharing the story of how He restored the Shunammite woman.
In 2 Kings 4, God used Elisha to restore this woman’s son to life. This woman had been a recipient of God’s grace and mercy, and following that miracle she obeyed the word of the prophet and went to Philistia.
Much like when God saved Joseph and his brothers from a famine by bringing them to Egypt, God is providing for this woman by taking her out of the land for a season.
After seven years, the woman returns to her home, and she comes before the King to request that her land be returned to her. The timing could not have been better! As Gehazi is telling the king of the miraculous resurrection of this woman's son, she walks in!
The king responds to the woman’s request by saying, “Restore all that was hers.”
In the midst of stories of the wicked kings of Israel and judgement that is sure to come because of their sin, we see hope. Hope that the God who was faithful to their fathers is the King that is ultimately guiding His people today.
God is showing His people that He wants to do the same for them. He desires for them to experience resurrection and restoration. God displays that when His people obey His voice and turn from their sin, He is faithful and just to forgive, resurrect, and restore.
Today, we have the same opportunity to respond to God’s word. What the Israelites could see in part, we can see fully now in Christ. That through Christ’s life, death, and resurrection we can be restored fully and forever.
Written By: Paulette Carwile
Within the first six verses of 2 Kings 8, the word “restore” appears five times. This is a story of restoration! God is giving His people a glimpse of how He wants to restore them by sharing the story of how He restored the Shunammite woman.
In 2 Kings 4, God used Elisha to restore this woman’s son to life. This woman had been a recipient of God’s grace and mercy, and following that miracle she obeyed the word of the prophet and went to Philistia.
Much like when God saved Joseph and his brothers from a famine by bringing them to Egypt, God is providing for this woman by taking her out of the land for a season.
After seven years, the woman returns to her home, and she comes before the King to request that her land be returned to her. The timing could not have been better! As Gehazi is telling the king of the miraculous resurrection of this woman's son, she walks in!
The king responds to the woman’s request by saying, “Restore all that was hers.”
In the midst of stories of the wicked kings of Israel and judgement that is sure to come because of their sin, we see hope. Hope that the God who was faithful to their fathers is the King that is ultimately guiding His people today.
God is showing His people that He wants to do the same for them. He desires for them to experience resurrection and restoration. God displays that when His people obey His voice and turn from their sin, He is faithful and just to forgive, resurrect, and restore.
Today, we have the same opportunity to respond to God’s word. What the Israelites could see in part, we can see fully now in Christ. That through Christ’s life, death, and resurrection we can be restored fully and forever.
Written By: Paulette Carwile
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