2 Kings 6:1-7

Today’s Passage: 2 Kings 6:1-7

This is a little known story that is tucked away in the life & ministry of Elisha. When
Elijah handed over the reigns to Elisha God showed His power & heart often through
the miracles that He allowed Elisha to perform. At first glance this is a seemingly
insignificant story but I believe, upon further mediation, that this story matters &
shows us the heart of God.

THE STORY: Elisha and some others go to cut down some trees and gather logs near
the Jordan River. The Jordan River can be a tumultuous river and when they were
there an axehead fell into the river, but it was borrowed. This individual felt a real need.
Though this story seems insignificant to us it was significant to him - he cried out. And
Elisha, the man of God, took a stick and threw it in the water. The axe head rose to the
surface even though it was made of iron.

HOW INSIGNIFICANT. He takes delight in meeting our needs.

6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper
time he may exalt you, 7 casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. /
1 Peter 5:6-7

1) THE NEED (5)

The axe head fell into the water. Again, a seemingly insignificant need but significant
to the individual. We all have things like this in our lives. We have things that don’t
seem like a big deal to others but are a big deal to us. This story teaches us that God
cares about those. That just like 1 Peter 5 tells us - cast all your cares on Him.

2) THE MIRACLE (6-7)

Elisha takes a stick. He throws it in the water. The axehead floats. When you think of a
miracle, what do you think of? Would this fit into your definition of a miracle? I think
God is working miracles around us all the time but we just excuse them away because
they aren’t flashy enough. This should challenge us to acknowledge and see the
miracles of what God is doing all around us.


This passage is very careful to attribute the miracle not to Elisha but to God. When
talking about Elisha this passage describes him as “the man of God”. This miracle was
not to point us to Elisha but to point us to the power & the heart of God.

Do you have needs today? Even seemingly insignificant needs? Take heart. God in
heaven cares for you. Take your needs to Him.

Written By: Nick Parsons

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