1 Kings 2:1-12

Today’s Passage: 1 Kings 2:1-12

David is about to die and his son Solomon is about to inherit the kingdom as King.
God is fulfilling His covenant to David by installing Solomon as King. But David has
some final instructions to his son… a charge on what it looks like for him to lead well.


David calls Solomon to love God well and to lead out of this love. He calls him to:

  • Walk in His ways.
  • Keep His statutes.
  • Keep His commandments.
  • Keep His rules.
  • Keep His testimonies.

He tells him that if He does this, God will allow Him to prosper. This is not premature of
David. This is a promise of God’s covenant. He also instructs him to disciple his sons
and bring them up in a way that they follow God faithfully.

It is so interesting that the number one thing David tells Solomon about leading God’s
people is to love and follow God. He doesn’t talk about skills. He doesn’t talk about
talents. He talks about loving God. I think we can learn a lot from this and put things
in their proper perspective.


We cannot take this passage out of context. David is not calling for Solomon to be
vindictive. He calls him to be just. There is a difference. We see God’s heart reflected
here. God is just. He does not let us get away with sin. He allowed our sin to be taken
by Jesus on the cross. Justice matters to God.

What can we learn?

We need to love God more than anything else. We elevate all sorts of things but
number one is loving God. God is capable of using us for Him and to build his
kingdom as we love Him. As we are made in God’s image… let’s reflect God and His
heart to a watching world.

Written By: Nick Parsons

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