Revelation 20:11-15

Today’s Passage: Revelation 20:11-15

Today’s passage is both a SOBERING REALITY and a GREAT HOPE. Today we read about the judgment that will take place at the end of time at the great white throne where God is seated.


This is a sobering reality that judgment is coming and will take place. We live in a world that claims the mantra “Only God can judge me." They do this out of mockery but the truth is, He will. There will come a day where each of us will stand before Godand give an account. Revelation 20 says we will be judged by two things but only one is ultimate. We will be judged by our works on earth. We will be judged on whether our name is in the book of life (this is ultimate). Ultimately no good works or bad works can send us to Hell or to Heaven but only whether we have trusted in Jesus and have had our name penned into the book of life by God Himself.

Everyone we come into contact with on a daily basis is either in right relationship with God or not. There is no one who is “neutral”. We need to see people in this light. They are made in God’s image and are either headed for Hell or heaven. We need to live on mission to take everyone we meet one step closer toward being a true disciple of Jesus Christ. We need to live in this sobering reality.


This passage also has a great hope - especially for the Christian. (1) God is currently seated on His throne. He is in control. He is not worried. (2) God is the one who pens our name into the book of life, not us. (3) Our future is because of and about Jesus, not us. We are secure in Him (Ephesians 1:11-14, John 10:29, 1 John 5:13). If we have genuinely turned to and trusted in Jesus we have no reason to fear and every reason to hope. LIve in the reality of your standing before God today. Live on mission to see other people turn to and trust in Jesus.

Written By: Nick Parsons

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