Revelation 19:11-21

Today's Passage: Revelation 19:11-21

Revelation 19 is a gloriously terrifying passage. When Christ Jesus comes again he will come in glory and power to execute full justice on those who reject him as Lord. As believers we long for Jesus’ return, but Revelation 19 should also motivate us towards the great commission.

When Jesus returns there are a couple of things to note. He will return in undeniable and visible glory. I mean verses 11-16 are epic. That white horse might as well be a motorcycle because Jesus is rolling up in style. This is coming on the heels of the beast and the great prophets performing miraculous signs to lead the people astray. Leading people to worship a lesser god. So when Jesus returns — His names, tattoos, robe, eyes, and appearance make it abundantly clear that He is THE God.

Jesus’ return is glorious, but it will also be terrifying for those who have opposed Him. We see that Jesus returns armed to exact full justice on His enemies both small and great (v.18). Scott Duvall notes the parallels between the two feasts,

“Everyone will participate in one of two eschatological feasts: the righteous joining in the wedding supper of the Lamb or the wicked becoming the feast at the great supper of God.
God will judge the wicked from every social category (6:15;
13:16); social status or rank will not be enough to exempt the ungodly from judgment.”

This is graphic language. More than just words, this has eternal weight to it, and it raises a question that every single person must answer — If Christ were to return today, where would we be? Do you long for the day that Jesus returns in glory or are you living as the lord of your own life?

Even for those of us who do believe and follow Christ - this passage should create in us a sense of urgency. We are surrounded by friends, co-workers, and family members who will experience every gory detail mentioned in this passage. YOU and I possess the good news that can save them from that! And we’ve been commanded to go and tell them by the very one who is returning in glory. We have no excuse, we must go! If this passage is true, then how could we not tell them about the one who died for them?

Written By: Joe Weaver

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