Revelation 17:7-18

Today's Passage: Revelation 17:7-18
The major theme to see in Revelation 7:7-18 is vividly recorded in verse 14: “They will make war on the Lamb, and the Lamb will conquer them, for he is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those with him are called chosen and faithful.”
Let’s major on this verse, for the entirety of the book of Revelation is summarized in this one beautiful depiction.
They will make war on the Lamb.
The final consummation of war is coming for the earth as we await Jesus’s second advent. However, it’s not as if this war hasn’t been happening already. War started when Satan fell and took a massive number of angels with him. War escalated when Satan attacked God’s character in Eden. War is still going as Paul described it in Romans 7:23-24 between our minds (Spirit) and our members (flesh).
The Lamb will conquer them.
Fast forward in John’s vision and scripture tells us exactly how it will happen. Christ has already conquered through His perfect life, substitutionary death, and glorious resurrection (Colossians 2:13-15). This is why Revelation should be a comfort to its readers: John makes clear the victor in the vision: Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God.
He Is Lord of lord and King of kings.
This delineation is helpful when we consider the chaos of earthy political systems and leaders. Who is actually in charge? Can I trust those in power to govern well? Are they just, good, and competent? Jesus being described this way magnifies His greatness, majesty, power, reign, authority, and all the other things that set Him above all others. The victor in Revelation didn’t get there by forfeit; He got there by right. He got there by death and resurrection. That’s why no other king or lord gets the capital letters by their name; Jesus alone is Lord and King.
Those with him are chosen and faithful.
We were not saved because we chose God, but because He chose us (Ephesians 1:4, 1 John 4:19). We do not endure because of our own power but because of the Spirit working within us. When all the dust of the last war settles, those who belong to God will remain (John 10:28) because they belong to Him through the purchase of the Lord and King Jesus Christ.
As you filter through the minutiae of Revelation (the prostitute, the beast, and all the horns and heads that go along with it), don’t miss the major storyline of the Bible. Jesus wins. Let that be comfort to you today, even in the midst of our political unrest; for we know how the story ends.
If you have a few minutes, go listen to You’ve Already Won by Shane and Shane and be encouraged.
Written By: Drew Dukes
The major theme to see in Revelation 7:7-18 is vividly recorded in verse 14: “They will make war on the Lamb, and the Lamb will conquer them, for he is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those with him are called chosen and faithful.”
Let’s major on this verse, for the entirety of the book of Revelation is summarized in this one beautiful depiction.
They will make war on the Lamb.
The final consummation of war is coming for the earth as we await Jesus’s second advent. However, it’s not as if this war hasn’t been happening already. War started when Satan fell and took a massive number of angels with him. War escalated when Satan attacked God’s character in Eden. War is still going as Paul described it in Romans 7:23-24 between our minds (Spirit) and our members (flesh).
The Lamb will conquer them.
Fast forward in John’s vision and scripture tells us exactly how it will happen. Christ has already conquered through His perfect life, substitutionary death, and glorious resurrection (Colossians 2:13-15). This is why Revelation should be a comfort to its readers: John makes clear the victor in the vision: Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God.
He Is Lord of lord and King of kings.
This delineation is helpful when we consider the chaos of earthy political systems and leaders. Who is actually in charge? Can I trust those in power to govern well? Are they just, good, and competent? Jesus being described this way magnifies His greatness, majesty, power, reign, authority, and all the other things that set Him above all others. The victor in Revelation didn’t get there by forfeit; He got there by right. He got there by death and resurrection. That’s why no other king or lord gets the capital letters by their name; Jesus alone is Lord and King.
Those with him are chosen and faithful.
We were not saved because we chose God, but because He chose us (Ephesians 1:4, 1 John 4:19). We do not endure because of our own power but because of the Spirit working within us. When all the dust of the last war settles, those who belong to God will remain (John 10:28) because they belong to Him through the purchase of the Lord and King Jesus Christ.
As you filter through the minutiae of Revelation (the prostitute, the beast, and all the horns and heads that go along with it), don’t miss the major storyline of the Bible. Jesus wins. Let that be comfort to you today, even in the midst of our political unrest; for we know how the story ends.
If you have a few minutes, go listen to You’ve Already Won by Shane and Shane and be encouraged.
Written By: Drew Dukes
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