Revelation 14

Today’s Passage: Revelation 14

This passage uses the same 144,000 number that we saw in Chapter 7. There are a few different views on who this group of people is, but I am convinced that this represents ALL those redeemed and washed white by the Lamb.

Let me explain quickly — in Revelation John contrasts what he hears against what he sees. Think of Rev 5:5, he hears the elders say “Weep no more; behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,” and then Rev 5:6 “I saw a Lamb standing, as though it had been slain…” The same thing happens in chapter 7. He hears the number of the sealed —144,000, and then he sees a multitude that no one could number who have been saved by the Lamb (Rev 7:9). Just as the Lion was a slain Lamb (a shocking, yet glorious fulfillment) — so the 1440,000 that were saved from God’s judgment was a number too big to count (a shocking, yet glorious fulfillment).

So, the 144,000 represent all who have given their lives to Christ and allowed the Lamb to wash them of their sins. Chapter 10 focuses on the right worship. Those who have worshiped the Lord are represented by purity. They have been faithful to the groom—Christ Jesus. Those who have worshiped the things of the world are represented by infidelity and immorality. They have committed adultery against God by worshipping the things of this world.

The song of the redeemed is beautiful, in tune/harmony with the Lamb. The song of those who worship the world leads to wrath and judgment from the Lord.

The contrast between the two worshippers is stark and should lead us to ask, which worshipper am I? Are we the ones who “follow the Lamb wherever he goes” (v.4) or the ones who follow the passions of the world (v.8)? Honoring and obeying Jesus should be the foundation on which the rest of our lives are built. Your job, hobbies, finances, families, and passions — all flowing out of a heart of thankfulness that seeks to honor and obey God with those things.

Is your life built on this kind of worship? If your answer is “no” then hear Jesus’ warning in Matt 16:25, “For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” Surrender your heart full to the Lord and ask Him for the grace required to follow the Lamb.
If your answer is “yes” then ask the Lord for the grace to endure and abide in Him.

Revelation 14:12
Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus.

Written By: Joe Weaver

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