Revelation 13:11-18

Today’s Passage: Revelation 13:11-18

Revelation 13 ends by describing a second beast that comes from the earth.

When we see the second beast appear, the first thing that we are told is that it has two horns like a lamb, but that it spoke like a dragon. In this image we learn a lot about this beast: he resembles the lamb, but his intentions are for evil.

Throughout this text we see the beast performing signs and wonders that parallel the wonders of God; however, this beast seeks to instill fear, chaos, destruction, and idolatry in the hearts of men.

The beast makes fire come down from heaven, mirroring how God sent down fire in 1 Kings 18. However, this time it is not the one true God displaying His power, it is the beast masquerading as God.

In verse 14 we clearly see that the beast’s intentions are to deceive the inhabitants of the earth. The beast creates an image and forces all to worship it. The beast even attempts to redefine those who are made in the image of God.

The beast’s goal is to steal, kill, and destroy. However, in the midst of this we can also find hope that in every way this beast falls short. The One True God has already shown Himself triumphant over every scheme, and all who have called on the name have been marked and sealed with His Spirit.

Written By: Paulette Carwile

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