Revelation 13:1-10

Today's Passage: Revelation 13:1-10

In Revelation 12, we saw Satan be thrown to earth. He is described as the Dragon. In chapter 13, we are introduced to a “beast”. Satan gives the beast “his power and his throne and great authority”. Satan is forming his own counterfeit trinity. The beast is an anti-messiah. It is trying to play the part of Jesus, but ultimately leading people astray. The beast is worshiped by those who follow it, and they say: Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?

That question is very funny to me, because as we continue reading, the beast has no authority of its own. It only has authority because God allowed it too. “Who can fight against it?”, God obviously. But the people worshiping the beast are blinded by this truth.

While the beast may have some authority, it does not have ultimate authority. Verse 7 says the beast conquers the saints, but the beast doesn’t actually win against the saints. In verse 8, the saints – those whose name was written in the book of life – will not worship the beast. Meaning, while the saints may die by the beast, they will ultimately win because of Christ. The beast might destroy earthly bodies, but Christ will give resurrected bodies to His saints.

There is much speculation of who the beast is, and we could spend all day speculating, but we will truly not know until it happens. For us, the biggest takeaway has to be the reminder to always be prepared but take comfort. Watch out for people who are pointing others away from the Gospel. Be careful who we are being influenced by. But take comfort in knowing God has already promised the end for those who love Him – victory in Jesus.

Written By: Brice Stockton

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