Revelation 11

Today’s Passage: Revelation 11

Reading Revelation is TOUGH. It is tough because it is so allegorical. There is so much imagery. It is hard to discern what is literal and what is figurative. Revelation 11 is one of those passages. One theologian called it “one of the most difficult.”

Within ESCHATOLOGY (the study of the end times) there are several schools of thought. Just recently at CPC we walked through them from a 40,000 foot view. There is:

  • Premillennialism.
  • Postmillennialism.
  • Amillennialism
  • And several variations.

A great resource to try to understand them is found here.

This is what the first part of Revelation 11 is about... the time before the return of Christ to the earth and what it will be, look, and feel like. Whatever your position there are a few things that we can agree on. (1) It is confusing. (2) Jesus is literally coming back in bodily form to rule and reign here on earth.

That is what the second half of Revelation 11 talks about... the literal bodily return of Christ. There is a lot of hope here. This is where, when reading Revelation, we should fix our eyes and our hope.

He is coming to rule and to reign. He is glorious. He is good. He is holy. He is worthy. God designed the world for Him. But we departed. And this is part of Him bringing it back to how He designed it. I can’t wait for that day.

Written By: Nick Parsons

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