Revelation 8:6-9:21

Today's Passage: Revelation 8:6-9:21 

As a collective part of the seventh seal as described in Revelation, the seven trumpets are one collective unit detailing God’s judgment on the earth. Again, depending on your interpretation of Revelation (literal or metaphorical), the most important thing to look for in this section is the heart and character of God.

So, what are the seven trumpets and what do they teach us about the character of God?

Trumpets 1-4 seem to detail God’s judgment on the physical earth. The landscape of the earth feels the effects of God’s wrath (land, sea, mountains, starts, celestial things, rivers, etc.)

Verse 13 says much about the devastation that things brings as it states, “Woe, woe, woe to those who dwell on the earth, at the blasts of the other trumpets that the three angels are about to blow!” What is about to occur seems exponentially more frightening than the physical destruction of the earth.

Trumpets 5-6 involve demonic forces given freedom to torment and eventually kill the inhabitants of the earth. Intricately detailed in their appearance and function, this section is not the most encouraging to read.

I’ve said in previous Jumpstarts that Revelation is not meant to horrify but to strengthen our faith, but I have to be honest, this is one section that does make my heart melt a bit. And that’s ok too.

What does this passage teach us about God?
  • He is just as much a God of wrath as He is love. God MUST be both. The wages of sin is what motives His wrath, and desire to see people saved is what motivates His love.
  • God is just. This depiction of God is not Him having a bad day and burning it all to the ground in a tantrum. Note the times in which John gives the reason as to the seven trumpets (v. 4, 20-21). Unrepentance is a big deal in the eyes of God and justice must be served for it.

The heart of God is for our devotion to Him. Despite all the mystery surrounding who might be on the earth to experience these things, there is a great difference between chapter 8 (all about the unrepentant) and chapter 21 (all about the repentant). Repentance changes everything, and we are to not come to repentance because we fear the consequences; rather, we are to come to repentance because we’ve seen the beauty of the gospel of Jesus through His life, death and resurrection.

Have you come into a personal relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ? What next step is there for you in this regard?

Written By: Drew Dukes

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