Revelation 7

Today's Passage: Revelation 7 

Revelation 7 opens with the vision of four angels holding back violent, destructive wind. This wind threatens all of creation, but in the midst of this picture we see that God is sealing his servants.

This idea of sealing could point to a mark that distinguishes them as his servants, but it also could point to God concealing his servants as a form of protection.

John divides the 144,000 into groups of 12,000 that are identified as members of the 12 tribes of Israel.

Then John looks and sees the great multitude. It is beautiful to imagine what this scene could look like. What would it look like to have more people than you could count from every nation, tribe, people and language standing before the Lamb.

What would it sound like to hear millions of voices crying “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.”

Every person, angel and creature worships the Lamb on the throne confidently saying that He deserves all praise, honor and glory.

In John’s vision he sees those in the white robes and recognizes them as those who have been washed clean through the tribulation by the blood of the Lamb.

Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf is the only thing that can cleanse us of our sin, and when we put our trust in Jesus we can have the assurance that regardless of what happens to us Jesus is the Lamb reigning from the throne.

Written By: Paulette Carwile

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