Revelation 5

Today's Passage: Revelation 5
Revelation 5 continues the book's theme of worthiness. This time, there is a scroll so sacred that it seems impossible for anyone to open it by themselves.
Praise God that there is one that is able to open the scroll!
The worthiness of the lamb to open the scroll is found in that he was a lamb that was slain.
“Worthy are you to take the scroll
and to open its seals,
for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God
from every tribe and language and people and nation.”
What was the elders' response to this?
They fell down and worshiped (v. 14).
What is your response to the gospel? It might be a message that you have heard a thousand times. We are all prone to getting used to things after it loses its “newness”.
But if there was ever anything that we should do everything in our power to fight against, it would be allowing the gospel to grow cold in our hearts.
How do we fight against that?
Written By: Graham Withers
Revelation 5 continues the book's theme of worthiness. This time, there is a scroll so sacred that it seems impossible for anyone to open it by themselves.
Praise God that there is one that is able to open the scroll!
The worthiness of the lamb to open the scroll is found in that he was a lamb that was slain.
“Worthy are you to take the scroll
and to open its seals,
for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God
from every tribe and language and people and nation.”
What was the elders' response to this?
They fell down and worshiped (v. 14).
What is your response to the gospel? It might be a message that you have heard a thousand times. We are all prone to getting used to things after it loses its “newness”.
But if there was ever anything that we should do everything in our power to fight against, it would be allowing the gospel to grow cold in our hearts.
How do we fight against that?
- Realize that it’s a temptation for you.
- Remind yourself of the gospel regularly.
- Look for gospel applications in Scripture as well as everyday life.
- Allow the truths of the gospel to fuel your worship of the Lamb who was slain.
Written By: Graham Withers
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