Philippians 4:1-9

Today's Passage: Philippians 4:1-9

In a world where anxiety looms at every corner, what does it look like to endure as we strain toward the upward call of God (v. 3:14)? What does it look like as workers for the gospel to live on mission confidently, knowing that we have security in Christ?

Paul’s encouragement in Philippians 4 is presented in a series of earnest pleads. Paul challenges us, but also presents us with practical steps that grow us in dependence on God which empowers us to endure joyfully in all circumstances.

First, Paul tells us to rejoice. Rejoice in the Lord! This form of rejoicing is not commanding us to paint on a smile or grin and bear whatever difficult circumstance we may face. Rejoicing in the Lord is rooted in the confidence that God is in control.

Our response to circumstances reveals what we believe about God and His sovereignty in all situations.

Next, Paul pleads for the Philippians to not be anxious? Why? Because, “The Lord is at hand.” Again, we are meant to respond in light of who God is. However, it is impossible for us on our own to just stop thinking anxiously. We have to actively choose to trust God over whatever present circumstance seems to consume us.

The purpose of this is to grow in dependence on God in EVERYTHING! Through constant communication with Him, and through consistently recognizing Him as the giver of every good thing, we calm our hearts in the truth.

The truth is that we can not overcome our anxiety on our own. When answering the question of “Do I have enough” or “Am I enough”, anxiety always demands a little bit more than you have.

When we see the truth of the gospel, we see that there is never enough that we could bring, there is never enough that we can be. However, through Christ we are made whole. Where our sin separates us from God, Christ reconciles us to Him. When we turn from our sin and choose to follow Christ, we are transformed day by day into His image.

Praise God that we can bring EVERYTHING to Him through Christ’s sacrifice on our behalf. Praise God that now we can pursue God!

Written By: Paulette Carwile

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