Philippians 3:1-11

Today's Passage: Philippians 3:1-11

In our passage today, Paul is warning us to beware of false teaching that puts the focus on the flesh. Another way to put it might be to beware of false teaching that puts the focus on our works.

There seems to have been a faction of people who were putting their confidence in the flesh, and not in Christ.

Contrary to that, faithful Christians are ones who:

Worship by the Spirit > Glory in Jesus Christ > No Confidence in the Flesh

Then, in a way to make his argument more convincing, he outlines how he himself actually meets, if not exceeds, the standards of those who place their confidence in the flesh. But for all of his “good” works, they are still nothing without Christ.

What does this look like for you? Where do you seek to place your confidence? Obeying God, practicing the spiritual disciplines, sharing the gospel, discipling, you fill in the blank, are all great ways to honor God and live out His good design for your life.

But as good as these actions are, they do not earn your salvation. They do not earn you more of God’s love or acceptance. All of that was given to you freely through Christ.

Those things exist to grow your love for God, not earn love from God.

Where do you need some correction in your own thinking?

We are all prone to functionally acting like this at times. That is why it is imperative to consistently come back to the gospel.

 Written By: Graham Withers

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