Philippians 2:12-18

Today's Passage: Philippians 2:12-18 

It is said that Saint Francis of Assisi once claimed: “Preach the gospel at all times and use words when necessary.” While a very catchy statement, it doesn’t quite line up fully with the Apostle Paul’s command in Romans 10 to preach the gospel with words as often as possible.


Being a light in this dark world does have its share of action and not just talk, so let’s look at what Paul says are markers of being a light in the darkness (v. 15):

Obedience. “As you have always obeyed…work out your own salvation…” (v. 12)
People are watching, and for the Christian to claim to love and follow Jesus but deny it by their actions (disobedience) is a turn off to the unbelieving world. Paul exhorts Christians to obey and strive to be like Christ in daily life. After all, God is working in us for His good pleasure!

Don’t murmur. “Do all things without grumbling or complaining.” (v. 13-15)
God placed us in the darkness for a reason; to shed light on what is dark. One way we fail to push back the darkness and actually give into it is to grumble and complain. About our boss. About our spouse. About bad drivers. About food. No matter the topic, Paul desires for light bearers to be pure in their hearts so that complaining won’t compromise the message we declare in the dark places.

Stay true to the gospel. “…holding fast to the word of life.” (v. 16)
It’s really easy to grasp onto things that don’t matter, which is why Paul encourages believers to cling to Jesus and His gospel. It is THE only thing that doesn’t shift and is the refuge for our weary souls when all around gives way. All other ground is sinking sand. People will inquire why we aren’t sinking when everybody else is, and then we get to tell them where our hope truly comes from.

As we consider evangelism, which is the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost world, let’s not forget that the lost world is watching our actions. Do our deeds and declarations match up?

Is there one of these areas particularly that you can grow in this week?

Written By: Drew Dukes

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