Philippians 2:1-11

Today's Passage: Philippians 2:1-11 

What does it look like for you to be “of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind” with other believers? It would be impossible to think we all must think, act, and desire the same things, but that is not the point of this text.

Paul’s primary point is for us to understand and model the example of Christ Jesus. Step one of being of the same mind is to understand the humility Christ displayed through the Gospel. The creator of all things humbled himself to be crucified by his creation — us. The king of the universe put our needs (salvation) ahead of his own comfort.

If Jesus can set aside the glory of Heaven to save us, then we can set aside our wants and desires to love others. The gospel reorients our hearts to the point where it’s a joy to serve others because it resembles and honors our savior. We don’t need a reward or payment because our true reward is Christ and our hearts desire to look more and more like him.

The beauty of the Gospel and the Holy Spirit moving and working within us is that it unites us over and above our personal differences, disagreements, and preferences. I may have nothing in common with someone in our church who came from a different country, upbringing, and way of life, but as the Spirit produces fruit in both of us we will find common ground at the cross. And even when conflict or disagreement arises, the example of Christ should impress upon us both to be willing to make concessions for the other.

What does this look like in your life, family, church, or connect group? Are you holding on to your preferences or are you allowing the example of Christ to unite you with the believers around you?

Written By: Joe Weaver

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