Philippians 1:12-19

Today's Passage: Philippians 1:12-19

This passage is perspective setting.

Where is Paul? Prison.

Paul in prison can certainly be thought of as a form of suffering. Why is he in prison? Because of his proclamation of Christ.

The perspective this gives is that suffering and hardship should not lead us to think that God is distant or uncaring, but that he is close and compassionate in the midst of our suffering.

What positives emerge from the text regarding Paul’s imprisonment? His imprisonment is advancing the gospel.

1. Romans soldiers are hearing about Christ through Paul’s imprisonment.
2. Paul’s confidence is giving confidence to more and more brothers to boldly proclaim the gospel in the midst of persecution.

Verse 18 gives us the perspective on how to rejoice in suffering and persecution. This perspective is made possible through the prayer of Christians and the help of the Holy Spirit (v. 19).

How do you handle hardship? Are you more prone to negative thoughts? If you are, it might be more of a discipline for you to keep a proper perspective when undergoing hardship. Pray. Reach out to people in your Connect Group and ask for prayer. Ask the Holy Spirit to help.

Allow the perspective of Paul be an encouragement that you can have a similar perspective in hard times as well.

Written By: Graham Withers

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