Philippians 1:-11

Today’s Passage: Philippians 1:1-11

Hey CPC Jumpstart readers! Welcome to the Book of Philippians. This is a rich book that I am confident will feed us spiritually over the next two weeks. This is a book from Paul to the church at Philippi. It was written around 62 AD. Paul is in prison but a major theme of this book is JOY (there is something to learn there isn’t there?). He wanted to encourage them and point them to the hope & home that they have (and we have) in heaven.

Today, in the first part of chapter 1, Paul starts out strong. He is praying for them. He is sitting in prison and yet he is the one who is praying for them (again, there is something to learn there isn’t there?).

What does he pray for?

1) He thanks God for them & their partnership 2) He prays for their sanctification.
3) He prays for their love to grow.
4) He prays for their knowledge & discernment. 5) He prays for their purity & holiness.
6) He prays for them to be filled with the fruit of righteousness.

In all of this, he points them to Jesus, whom all of this flows from. He gives us things to strive for & pray for. Looking at the list, what in your life needs to grow? How do you need to have joy in all circumstances? How do you need to run to Jesus in prayer?

This is a similar prayer that we have for Center Point. It is our mission to take everyone we meet one step closer to becoming a true disciple of Jesus Christ. We want to see our church be spiritually passionate. We want to grow in our heart for God. We do this together, as we partner for the gospel, as we pray together, through thick & thin.

Check out this Bible Project Video on Philippians that will help make the book make sense as a whole - 

Written By: Nick Parsons

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