Psalm 99

Today's Passage: Psalm 99

The title of this Psalm alone is enough to consider, given that the topic of God’s holiness is so immense that we, like Spurgeon said, can never drop the plumb line so deep that we find the end of it. What a glorious doctrine is the holiness of God! In fact, the holiness of God drives every theme of this Psalm.

v. 1: The Lord reigns; let the peoples tremble. Holiness does that.
v. 2: The Lord is exalted over all people. Holiness does that.
v. 3: Holy is He! Nuff said.
v. 4: The King loves and executes justice. Holiness does that.
v. 5. We worship Him at his footstool. Holiness does that.
v. 6-7: Moses, Aaron, and Samuel obeyed him. Holiness does that.
v. 8: God answered them, forgave them, and avenged them. Holiness does that.
v. 9: The LORD our God is holy! Again, what else is there to declare?

Have you spent any time recently taking in the depth of God’s holiness?

Think on these questions for a few minutes:
  • How should the holiness of God shape my view of Him?
  • How should it affect my participation in sin?
  • How does it breed hope that He is good and trustworthy?

“Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come.” (Rev. 4:8) If the
angels and living creatures declare this 24/7 around His throne, we should probably get in the habit of doing the same. Let’s strive together to consider the holiness of God and respond rightly to it.

Written By: Drew Dukes

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