Psalm 97

Today’s Passage: Psalm 97 

“How small God can seem! How big evil can appear! In this fallen world it is often difficult to believe that God is as great as we believe him to be. Psalms such as this one reorient our hearts as we are brought back to a big vision of God: "You, O LORD, are most high over all the earth" (v. 9). This is a God who consumes his enemies like fire (v. 3) and before whom the mountains are like melting wax candles (v. 5).”
- Dane Ortland

One day the true magnitude of the Lord will be revealed to all people. Those who worship him and those who do not. Notice the difference in this Psalm to how people respond to the coming of the Lord. Those who worship false gods will be put to shame (v7), but those who worship the Lord will rejoice (v8).

What does your view of God look like? Are you worshiping the God written about in Psalm 97 - a God who is the very definition of glorious, or are you worshiping a God that is small, helpless, and powerless to change the world? You may not worship a physical god made out of stone, but we can easily worship a false image of God. We get lulled to sleep by the world, or jaded by the way life turned out and we assume that God must be smaller than we thought.

If you struggle with a low view of God, start by asking Him to help. Ask Him to reveal His glory to you through His Word. Do you think God wants to answer a prayer like that? Of course, He does! So Ask him! Secondly, talk to a friend about it. Confess to them that you need help and prayer. That’s why God gave us the church — so that we could walk with one another and help one another pursue God together.

Written By: Joe Weaver

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