Psalm 95
Today's Passage: Psalm 95
Psalm 95 can be broken down into two parts: the celebration of who God is and the privilege of knowing Him (v. 1-7a), and second, the warning to not repeat rebellion (v. 7b-11).
Verses 1-7a reveal who God is and what our response should be.
Verses 7b-11 then remind of the warning to not repeat rebellion. The Psalmist brings up Exodus 17:1-7. This is when Israel is complaining about not having water. Eventually, the Israelites would wander for 40 years in the wilderness because of their rebellion.
But here is what I see: If we do not get verses 1-7a right, then we are prone to be like verses 7b-11. Rebellion is much easier if we are not close to God.
Do you enjoy God for who He is or what you can get out of Him?
Written By: Brice Stockton
Psalm 95 can be broken down into two parts: the celebration of who God is and the privilege of knowing Him (v. 1-7a), and second, the warning to not repeat rebellion (v. 7b-11).
Verses 1-7a reveal who God is and what our response should be.
• Who God is:
o Lord – which is translated from the Hebrew word, Yahweh. Yahweh reveals God self-existence. He is not dependent on anyone or anything to be God.
o Rock of our salvation – God has freed those who trust in Jesus for the forgiveness of sins
o Great – He is above all things. Nothing can compare to Him.
o King – He is the ruler of all things. Everything is subject to Him.
o Creator – Everything that has been made has come from the hand of God. He gives life to all things.
o This is just scratching the surface of who God is, but I love all that Psalm 95 points out.
• Our response:
o Sing – You could also say, “proclaim†His goodness and character. We are to outwardly express praise of God.
o Thankfulness – Our hearts should be overwhelmed with the daily grace and goodness God shows us.
o Bow down – We submit ourselves to His authority, because we know listening to Him is for our benefit.
o Belonging – We are His. Where He lead, we will follow.
Verses 7b-11 then remind of the warning to not repeat rebellion. The Psalmist brings up Exodus 17:1-7. This is when Israel is complaining about not having water. Eventually, the Israelites would wander for 40 years in the wilderness because of their rebellion.
But here is what I see: If we do not get verses 1-7a right, then we are prone to be like verses 7b-11. Rebellion is much easier if we are not close to God.
Do you enjoy God for who He is or what you can get out of Him?
Written By: Brice Stockton
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