Psalm 62

Today's Passage: Psalm 62 

David opens this Psalm by detailing the posture of his soul. His soul is waiting for God alone in silence. This confidence in the Lord’s strength sets the tone for this Psalm.

It is apparent that David is facing attack and lies are all around him. It is unclear whether the leaning wall is David’s adversaries or if David himself feels like he is about to tip over in defeat.

Whatever the case, in verse 5, David reminds his soul to wait in silence. There may not be anything left for David to say, but the reality is there is also nothing that he can say to save himself.

The only satisfaction for David’s soul can be found in the salvation of the Lord. The things that we exhort about ourselves are vain. David describes those of high estate as delusional. Even the greatest accomplishments can not silence the lies of the enemy or deter the deceitfulness of sin.

God has repeatedly displayed his power and steadfast love to David, and now we too can see and experience this steadfast love in fullness. Like David, we often find ourselves with a longing in our souls that leads us to wait.

But unlike David, we can see the greater picture that God has fulfilled all of His promises in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. We can see that God has dealt with our greatest enemy, sin and death, and now we can wait expectantly looking at the reality that Jesus currently reigns on the throne in heaven and one day He will return to defeat sin and death permanently.

Written By: Paulette Carwile

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