Psalm 55

Today's Passage: Psalm 55 

In Psalm 55, David presents different ways that trouble presents itself. It could be the “noise of the enemy” that constantly seems to buzz around us causing tension and unrest. We could be experiencing genuine oppression caused by wickedness, or it could be trouble caused by broken relationships that are marked by anger and bitterness.

In reading this Psalm verses 19 and 22 stand out to me. In verse 19 you see what will come of the wicked. God will humble them. He is the King who has always been on the throne and He will act. The wicked refuse to change because they do not fear God. 

The wicked do not think there will be consequences for their actions, they feel no remorse. They speak smoothly, but they desire destruction. 

In a world full of trouble, we have a choice. We can say that we will never change or we can cast our burden on the only one who never changes. 

The promise that verse 22 makes is that the Lord WILL sustain and He will NEVER permit that the righteous will be moved. 

The steadiness promised to the righteous is so different from the arrogant declaration of the wicked that they will never change. 

Where do you find yourself today? Overwhelmed? Running? Are you grasping for security by trying to make yourself steady and unchanging? Or are you casting your burdens on the who promises to never change?

Written By: Paulette Carwile

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