3 John

Today's Passage: 3 John 

In this letter, we see John rejoicing in the truth. Gaius, the recipient of this letter, is noted to walk in truth. John counts this is a great joy, but what does it mean that he walks in truth?

Walking in the truth is more than simply knowing facts or completing actions. When we live as children of God who walk in truth, we first must acknowledge that we are not the authors of truth. There is one source of truth: God Himself. So, we must seek to know God and we must let our belief transform how we live everyday.

On our own, we are sinful and our sin separates us from God because He is holy. We must tell ourselves the truth, and humble ourselves to see our constant need for God’s grace to guide us.

Jesus declared that He is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6), and He has done everything needed for us in order for us to be called children of God. He has taken on our sin by dying on the cross, and He has risen from the dead to destroy sin and death forever.

Are you living in truth? Have you recognized your need for a savior?

If you have recognized the truth of your need for a savior and have turned from your sin to follow Christ, then how are you pursuing being a fellow worker for truth? Would those around you characterize you as someone who walks in truth?

Written By: Paulette Carwile

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