1 John 5:13-21

Today's Passage: 1 John 5:13-21

1. Confidence in oneness with Christ.

1 John 5:13-15 reminds us that believers can have confidence before God, both in our assurance of our salvation (v. 13) and in coming to God in prayer (14-15). What does it mean to pray in accordance to God’s will? First, it means praying in alignment with God’s revealed will in Scripture. Second, it means praying from a posture that is submissive to God’s will. This is not an invitation to ask God to fulfill the items on your spiritual wishlist, it is an invitation to know and love God more through prayer.

2. Confidence to fight against sin.

This can be a little confusing at first. “What exactly is the difference between a sin that leads to death and one that doesn’t? Are there multiple tiers for sin?” The ESV Study Bible is helpful here:

“Sin not leading to death is sin for which forgiveness is possible because (1) forgiveness is sought and (2) God is willing to grant it. Death and eternal life are present spiritual states as well as ultimate actual destinies (hell, heaven). Sin that leads to death is probably sin that is (1) unrepented of and (2) of the kind or nature that John has warned about throughout the letter: resolute rejection of the true doctrine about Christ, chronic disobedience to God’s commandments, persistent lack of love for fellow believers—all indications of a lack of saving faith—which will not be forgiven.”

As we put these verses together, we can summarize that confidence as a Christian is rooted in Christ and his perfect work on our behalf and should lead us to confidently fight sin.

If you are someone who is struggling with either assurance of salvation or a certain sin, allow this verse to encourage you toward Christ today. Reflect and meditate on these truths. Allow them to shape your prayer life. Reach out to a spiritually mature friend (a discipler, someone in your Connect Group, etc.) and seek help.

Written By: Graham Withers

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