1 John 2:18-29

Today’s Passage: 1 John 2:18-29
When thinking about my life, there are some things I am anti: Anti-White Castle, Anti-cucumbers, and anti-marathons/5k’s. I do not want to be a part of those things. And I know these are some silly examples. There are more serious things I am anti. But from our passage, John warns us about people who are anti-Jesus.
Now, I do want to point out a distinction John makes: there is one Antichrist, but there are many antichrists (v. 18). And from this passage, we see 3 things about antichrists.
1. They oppose Jesus (v. 18). They do not want Jesus’ name to be proclaimed or God to be glorified. Their main goal is to pull people away from Jesus.
2. They leave the Church (v. 19, 22-23). John says, antichrists were once with the church, but then they left. And now, they deny who Jesus is. They are false teachers.
3. They attack Christians (v. 26). Antichrists will try to deceive you and manipulate your thinking.
Two things I want us to take away from this:
1. This is a reminder for us to be careful who we listen to. Also, we need to ensure the Bible is the source of truth.
2. The season of antichrists will not last forever. John points out we are in the last hour. Our mission right now should be to proclaim Jesus to all who are around us. Pray for the antichrists to not lead people astray. If we aren’t proclaiming the truth then the world is hearing false information about Jesus.

Written By: Brice Stockton

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