Esther 9:20-10:3

Today's Passage: Esther 9:20-10:3 

As people, we are quick to forget, but we see here that Mordecai is clinging to the joy found in the deliverance of the Lord. He writes to all the Jews and urges them to celebrate what God has done by creating a holiday.

To me this is a beautiful picture of God’s work in the hearts of the Jews.

At this point, some of the Israelites had returned to the Promised Land, but many were still in Persia. The Israelites were dispersed because of their disobedience to the Lord and their utter unwillingness to turn from their sin.

But in the conclusion of Esther today we see not just God giving them physical safety, but God changing their hearts to desire to worship and remember Him for all of their days.

God had turned their lot upside down. Their lot was death in a foreign land by the hand of an evil man. The plot to kill them was crafty and seemed to be an unavoidable fate.

But this story was not written by chance or fate, but by the God of the universe, the author of all things. The only one who could turn a death sentence into deliverance and mourning into a holiday.

God offers us the same deliverance. God the Father sent God the Son to redeem us through His death on the cross. In His death He took on the lot that you and I deserve, and in His resurrection He declared victory over sin and our crafty enemy of this world.

Do you see God’s hand in your story or do you view it as written by chance? Have you turned from your sin and asked God to change your heart? Do you see God’s deliverance as something to celebrate regularly?

Written By: Paulette Carwile

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