Ruth 4:1-15

Today's Passage: Ruth 4:1-15

Right here, at the highest point of anticipation of the story of Ruth, Boaz SITS. Am I right that one of the most difficult things to do when forced to wait is to sit down? Many of us want to pace and roam and twiddle our thumbs because the thought of being still is anxiety inducing. Moving around in some form or fashion seems like the more helpful thing to do.

Here’s the thing though: sitting doesn’t necessarily mean you’re doing nothing.

Boaz was still acting even though he was sitting. In fact, if you notice, this entire interaction between Boaz, the nearer redeemer, and the elders of Bethlehem took place sitting down (v. 1-3). The conversation persists and an eventual agreement is reached. The redemption of Naomi and Ruth is finally satisfied and the clear gospel picture is unveiled.

All of this redemption was first perpetuated by waiting. From the long days of gleaning barley to the restless nights on the threshing floor, every character had done their fair share of waiting for God to do what He was going to. All throughout this story, one of the most heart-satisfying revelations is that these characters all waited well.

No Ishmael’s were made in the filming of the story of Ruth. No unilateral and poor choices were made because they got tired of waiting. There was an incredible amount of trust in God throughout the entirety of this narrative, which should encourage our hearts to do the same: wait well.

Maybe what God is asking of you in this season of waiting is to have a seat. It doesn’t mean things won’t move forward. It doesn’t mean conversations won’t be had. It does mean that we don’t have the foreknowledge or control to force God to speed up to our timeframe. There is so much beauty and freedom in sitting down because it only shows our trust in the sovereignty of God and in His timing over our lives.

Is God asking you to take seat right now? Will you obey? Can you rest in Him for a bit? Will you wait well, knowing that in the end, He is working all things out for the good for those who love Him (Romans 8:28)?

Approach the gate and have a seat. You might be amazed at what God can get done even while giving you a minute or two to rest your weary bones.

Written By: Drew Dukes

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