Ruth 3

Today's Pastor: Ruth 3

Pastor Drew said in his sermon on Ruth 3, "following God is a balance of trust and prudence (faith and action). The beauty of Ruth 3 is how Naomi, the woman who changed her name to mean bitter, is now seeing God's redemptive hand moving in her life.

We, like Naomi, can get so caught up in our own suffering and fail to wait for the Lord. The problems of life can loom so large that it blocks our view of God's sovereignty, but this is where faith must step in. Hebrews 12 says, we must throw off sin by "looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. (ESV). We must set the eyes of our heart on Christ - trusting in His goodness as well as trusting that He is on the throne. Our faith is not in the outcome of a situation, but it is in a God who is greater than our situations. A God who is working outcomes for our good and His glory.

The next step of faith is often waiting. Waiting on the Lord to provide the next step or next action. Yet, we cannot be so paralyzed by fear that we don't obey the Lord's call for us to act. It's a balance between faith and action, and the key is patience. Calling out to the Lord for wisdom and guidance. Even in the midst of suffering, we are called to wait on the Lord's salvation and redemption. In Psalm 130:5 the Psalmist writes in the midst of suffering, "I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his word I hope (ESV)."

Luckily God has given us His Word to lead and guide us. God has also blessed us with a biblical community where we can seek wisdom and comfort. The Lord has also given us His Holy Spirit who intercedes for us and gives us peace that surpasses understanding. We are not meant to do life on our own, so lean into your faith family and trust the Lord.

Who do you seek wisdom from?

What next step is the Lord calling you to?

Written By: Joe Weaver

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